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I've worked on a few major games, but I have been a part of many smaller ones as well! I've produced 2D games, mobile and VR applications, and more

Helicopter Head Prototype (2021)

Target: Oculus Quest, Android, Windows, Web

Software: Unity | Visual Studio | C# | GitHub | Miro


This is a short project I used to study accessible first-person platforming. A big goal for Helicopter Head was to make the game simple and playable on a wide range of devices.


Holding the action button will cause your character to propel in the direction you're looking and up. You can do more than one in the air if you collide with restorative glowing orbs.


I created a dynamic singleton to manage the control scheme, so there's one script that determines which device the game is being run on and then creates an input manager that compliments it.


This prototype of the game is currently playable and the source code is viewable on GitHub


Play in browser | Github



Using your helicopter head uses up your fuel, which can be refilled on the ground or near one of these mysterious glowing orbs. I aimed to make flight intuitive and easy!

Helicopter Head
Mop Boy

Mop Boy (2019 - Present)

Mop Boy is an action platformer where the player mops up an assortment of grease-based monsters in a family-owned pizzeria!

Enemies with multiple states, reflectable projectiles, and floaty bubble physics were all a fun challenge to implement

Target: Windows, Mac, Nintendo Switch

Software: Unity | Visual Studio | C# | Piskel | Aseprite


As the game's project lead, lead programmer, and lead animator, I was responsible for either developing or helping to develop all of the game's systems, visuals, game feel, etc. Here are just a few examples of things I was most responsible for:


Enemy System: I developed the system through which all enemies decide their movement, behavior, and properties using polymorphism, the flyweight design pattern, and state machines.


Main Game Mechanics: The abilities you learn in the game were concepted, programmed, animated, and polished by me.


Save Data: I was responsible for developing the way the game determines how far along the player is in the game and where to arrange the characters, determine appropriate dialogue, and toggle other elements based on the player's progress.


The game intends to launch early 2023 and the site is viewable below


Taylor's Tech Solutions (2020)

Target: Windows, Mobile

Software: Unity | Visual Studio | C# | Adobe Animate


Taylor's Tech Solutions was developed for the 2020 Global Game Jam and my team and I created it specifically with mobile-support in mind.


I was responsible for porting it to mobile, code review, and animations for the game.

Slapping a broken computer at juuuust the right time could fix it.

If only chiropractic adjustments were this easy too!

Taylor's Tech Solutions

More Games...

Ghost Mage (2017)

Fall of 2017, I made the animations and designed game mechanics and enemies for a group project. You play as a little mage who also has ghost powers??

I think he looks really cute <3

Medium (2017)

I spent a semester leading a team of over 20 artists, programmers, and sound designers to make a short game about a kid with the ability to flip between the material and ethereal worlds (I'm very into ghosts and stuff)

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